Saturday, 9 May 2015

My Most Favorite Performance^^

Yesterday, 08/05/2015, is my performance day at Maple Street that organised by MISC in UUM. Before i went out for the performance, i felt very excited. This is because this performance if talking about the " fire beats " which i haven learn before and only start to learn at this semester. The rhythm and action all are very challenge and i take a very long time to learn it but it really awesome. Besides that, i also faces many problem when managing the times,almost 2-3 weeks before performance we have start our training every Tuesday and Friday form 8.30 a.m. until 7.00 p.m. Even when having 5 days holiday we also use these time for practice. So, we have no many times to forces in our assignment but all of us still have to rush for assignment at night or midnight even we are very tired. All of us really pay many effort to learn this new things and finally we perform well at this MISC event. We really having the feeling on the fire beat likes the performance was perform with our spirit. Just like what the behind story of the "fire beat",all the drummer are trying hard to finding  the wonderful sound which will fulfill their utility, but the reality problems was continuously withdraw us from the drum and drum sound, like having the off beats on the flow of the rhythm. It is easy to burn up a fire but after that the fire will extinct at the end. Where to find the fire that never extinct? Where to find our fire beats?  This performance actually not only show out the cool action and wonderful rhythm, it actually need to show our enthusiasm on the drum as a drummer and it is a very spiritual things. We all really show out our enthusiasm that really like having the fire that never extinct as a drummer and we feel it!!!When we listen the clap for the audience, we really feel very excited because our performance is really awesome and i very appreciate that i have this changes to perform this kind of spiritual drum rhythm.

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