Tuesday, 12 May 2015

cheer up!!!everything will be alright^^

When recall back about this semester, really very busy and busy, if compare to the last semester, really the range is different so much. Last semester i just keep playing and enjoying the university life by having fun here fun there but when come to this semester, the time for sleeping also limited. Everyday i just keeping going out and rushing for all the things, almost all my subject have 2 or 3 assignment, if add up all, i have to run 8 assignment and 1 role play. Besides assignment i have to going for classes and others activity, it really make me busy everyday and i still remember that more than half of this semester i was sleeping at midnight times. Even holidays, i have also no time to enjoy it. But, time was running very fast, this semester almost come to the end, all my assignment almost finish already, thanks god, finally i can relax my self for a while. I wish to enjoy myself and i really more appreciate the free time because i can't even have free time at these few month. I really learn many things and i know that everything will be alright doesn't matter what problem you face, because the time will help you to brings it to the past and help you to go forward the unknown life, so, cheer up, after raining day will be a sunny day~~^^

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